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Altered myokine profile and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Alexander E Berezin

Paracelsus Private Medical University, Salzburg (Austria)

7 more presentations in this session

Endothelial dysfunction represented by the endothelial activation and stress index (EASIX) is associated with lower overall survival in chronic heart failure patients

Speaker: Mr B. Estler (Heidelberg, DE)


NT-pro-BNP as only biomarker for the monitoring of cardiac amyloidosis patients

Speaker: Miss J. Krief (Montpellier, FR)


Secretoneurin is produced and released from the myocardium of patients with Takotsubo syndrome

Speaker: Professor H. Rosjo (Nordbyhagen, NO)


Vascular endothelial growth factor C as a potential biomarker of peripheral tissue congestion in acute heart failure.

Speaker: Mr G. Iwanek (Wroclaw, PL)


Systematic brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurement for cardiac screening in patients with severe obesity: the olecoeur study

Speaker: Professor J. Hulot (Paris, FR)


Access the full session

Chronic heart Failure - biomarkers 2

Speakers: Professor A. Berezin, Mr B. Estler, Miss J. Krief, Professor H. Rosjo, Mr G. Iwanek...

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations