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Statin therapy intensity and physical activity after acute coronary syndrome

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Alex Boudon

Polyclinic Medical University (PMU), Lausanne (Switzerland)
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4 more presentations in this session

Ordinal scoring of coronary artery calcification in low dose computed tomography is predictive factor of all-cause death and cardiovascular events.

Speaker: Mr P. Kasprzyk (Gdansk, PL)


Long-term risk factor control after acute coronary syndrome; results from the swedish primary care cardiovascular database

Speaker: Doctor S. Bentzel (Gothenburg, SE)


End-of-trial inflammatory biomarkers, lipid levels, creatine kinase and markers of renal and liver function in the LoDoCo2 trial.

Speaker: Mrs A. Van Broekhoven (Nijmegen, NL)


Cardiovascular disease risk in males and females with new onset diabetes: a population-based study in universal health care setting

Speaker: Professor P. Kaul (Edmonton, CA)


Access the full session

Coronary artery disease - Prevention

Speakers: Mr A. Boudon, Mr P. Kasprzyk, Doctor S. Bentzel, Mrs A. Van Broekhoven, Professor P. Kaul

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations