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End-of-trial inflammatory biomarkers, lipid levels, creatine kinase and markers of renal and liver function in the LoDoCo2 trial.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Amber Van Broekhoven

Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen (Netherlands (The))
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4 more presentations in this session

Ordinal scoring of coronary artery calcification in low dose computed tomography is predictive factor of all-cause death and cardiovascular events.

Speaker: Mr P. Kasprzyk (Gdansk, PL)


Long-term risk factor control after acute coronary syndrome; results from the swedish primary care cardiovascular database

Speaker: Doctor S. Bentzel (Gothenburg, SE)


Statin therapy intensity and physical activity after acute coronary syndrome

Speaker: Mr A. Boudon (Lausanne, CH)


Cardiovascular disease risk in males and females with new onset diabetes: a population-based study in universal health care setting

Speaker: Professor P. Kaul (Edmonton, CA)


Access the full session

Coronary artery disease - Prevention

Speakers: Mrs A. Van Broekhoven, Mr P. Kasprzyk, Doctor S. Bentzel, Mr A. Boudon, Professor P. Kaul

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations