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A patient with severe primary mitral regurgitation and poor left ventricular function - How would I treat?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben

University Medical Center of Mainz, Mainz (Germany)
72 presentations

3 more presentations in this session

A patient with severe primary mitral regurgitation and poor left ventricular function - Case presentation.

Speaker: Professor V. Rudolph (Bad Oeynhausen, DE)


A patient with severe primary mitral regurgitation and poor left ventricular function - How I did treat.

Speaker: Professor V. Rudolph (Bad Oeynhausen, DE)


A patient with severe primary mitral regurgitation and poor left ventricular function - Discussion.


Access the full session

How Should I Treat Primary Mitral Regurgitation with Poor Left Ventricular Function?

Speakers: Professor R. von Bardeleben, Professor V. Rudolph, Professor V. Rudolph

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations