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Dynamics of left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with stable coronary artery disease after coronary artery bypass grafting

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Olga Yepanchintseva

Heart Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
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43 more presentations in this session

Right ventricle function as a predictor of worse prognosis in patients with advanced heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor K. Kodziszewska (Warsaw, PL)


cmR Pulmonary transit time has additional prognostic value over cMR-RVEF and estimated systolic pulmonary artery pressure in predicting outcomes in Hf-rEF

Speaker: Doctor A. Pouleur (Brussels, BE)


Impact of left bundle branch block on left ventricular mechanics in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopath

Speaker: Professor H. Badran (Shibin El Kom, EG)


Cardiodepression and subepicardial obesity: is there a connection?

Speaker: Doctor A. Vorobev (Ulyanovsk, RU)


Markers of cardiac adverse events in patients with reactive fixed pulmonary hypertension secondary to systolic heart failure treated with sildenafil

Speaker: Doctor A. Duszanska (Kedzierzyn-Kozle, PL)


Access the full session

Poster Session 2 - Chronic Heart Failure – Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

Speakers: Professor O. Yepanchintseva, Doctor K. Kodziszewska, Doctor A. Pouleur, Professor H. Badran, Doctor A. Vorobev...

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations