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About the speaker

Doctor Pablo Jorge Perez

University Hospital of the Canaries, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
5 presentations
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Unstable myocardial infarction: diagnose, treat, and collaborate! - Panel

Speaker: Professor J. Katz (New York, US)


Case 1: A patient with chest pain calls the EMS. Should he go to the Hub Center or the closest hospital?

Speaker: Associate Professor G. Niccoli (Parma, IT)


Case 3: Does my patient now need a mechanical assistance ? And which one?

Speaker: Doctor G. Fuernau (Dessau, DE)


State of the Art: Diagnosis and management of unstable myocardial infarction

Speaker: Professor P. Vranckx (Hasselt, BE)


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Unstable myocardial infarction: diagnose, treat, and collaborate!

Speakers: Doctor P. Jorge Perez, Professor J. Katz, Associate Professor G. Niccoli, Doctor G. Fuernau, Professor P. Vranckx

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019

2 March - 4 March 2019

Sessions Presentations