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Case 1: A patient with chest pain calls the EMS. Should he go to the Hub Center or the closest hospital?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Giampaolo Niccoli

University Hospital of Parma, Parma (Italy)
4 presentations
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Unstable myocardial infarction: diagnose, treat, and collaborate! - Panel

Speaker: Professor J. Katz (New York, US)


Case 2: The patient rapidly develops heart failure and suspected cardiogenic shock….

Speaker: Doctor P. Jorge Perez (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES)


Case 3: Does my patient now need a mechanical assistance ? And which one?

Speaker: Doctor G. Fuernau (Dessau, DE)


State of the Art: Diagnosis and management of unstable myocardial infarction

Speaker: Professor P. Vranckx (Hasselt, BE)


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Unstable myocardial infarction: diagnose, treat, and collaborate!

Speakers: Associate Professor G. Niccoli, Professor J. Katz, Doctor P. Jorge Perez, Doctor G. Fuernau, Professor P. Vranckx

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019

2 March - 4 March 2019

Sessions Presentations