About the speaker

Doctor Monika Gladka

Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam (Netherlands (The))
2 presentations
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8 more presentations in this session

The cell death-associated protein kinase, RIPK1, is phosphorylated in cardiomyocytes in response to pro-inflammatory cytokines or oxidative stress.

Speaker: Doctor K. Rostron (Reading, GB)


Regulation of cardiac pacemaker activity by PDE4 isoforms

Speaker: Doctor D. Mika (Chatenay-Malabry, FR)


The natural autophagy-inducer spermidine protects the aging heart and promotes longevity in mice

Speaker: Doctor M. Abdellatif (Graz, AT)


Endogenous proteasome regulation in the myocardium supports increased systolic function upon chronic, but not acute beta-adrenoreceptor signaling

Speaker: Doctor O. Drews (Heidelberg, DE)


Evaluation of the cardiovascular profile of a novel nitroxyl donor BMS-986231 in chronically instrumented dogs with normal cardiac function and pacing-induced cardiomyopathy


Access the full session

Poster session 3 - Basic science - Molecular basis

Speakers: Doctor M. Gladka, Doctor K. Rostron, Doctor D. Mika, Doctor M. Abdellatif, Doctor O. Drews

About the event


Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

29 April - 2 May 2017

Sessions Presentations