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Welcome and introduction - Dual antiplatelet therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: confronting the disparity between guidelines and clinical practice.


Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Roxana Mehran

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (United States of America)
53 presentations

3 more presentations in this session

Early initiation of dual anti-platelet therapy following an acute coronary syndrome: a clinical case study.

Speaker: Professor S. James (Uppsala, SE)


Open questions - Dual antiplatelet therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: confronting the disparity between guidelines and clinical practice.

Speaker: Professor R. Mehran (New York, US) Professor S. James (Uppsala, SE)


Session close - Dual antiplatelet therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: confronting the disparity between guidelines and clinical practice.

Speaker: Professor R. Mehran (New York, US)


Access the full session

Dual antiplatelet therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: confronting the disparity between guidelines and clinical practice (EBAC Accredited)

Speakers: Professor R. Mehran, Professor S. James, Professor R. Mehran, Professor S. James, Professor R. Mehran

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations