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Young type 2 diabetic - When to treat blood pressure and how low to go? - Conclusion and take home message

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Enrico Agabiti-Rosei

Brescia (Italy)
9 presentations
1 follower

7 more presentations in this session

Young man with uncomplicated stage 1 hypertension - Clinical case

Speaker: Professor K. Tsioufis (Athens, GR)


Young man with uncomplicated stage 1 hypertension - What do the Guidelines say?

Speaker: Professor K. Narkiewicz (Gdansk, PL)


Young man with uncomplicated stage 1 hypertension - Panel discussion on how to implement the Guidelines


Young man with uncomplicated stage 1 hypertension - Conclusion and take home message

Speaker: Professor A. Coca (Barcelona, ES)


Young type 2 diabetic - When to treat blood pressure and how low to go? - Clinical case

Speaker: Doctor J. Brguljan (Ljubljana, SI)


Access the full session

Guidelines in hypertension - Dilemmas in daily practice

Speakers: Professor E. Agabiti-Rosei, Professor K. Tsioufis, Professor K. Narkiewicz, Professor A. Coca, Doctor J. Brguljan

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations