Professor Enrico Agabiti-Rosei, MD,PhD,eFESC is Emeritus Professor at University of Brescia. He was Chairman of both the Clinical Department of Medicine,Spedali Civili, Brescia and the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Perugia and specialized in Cardiology and Internal Medicine at the University of Pisa. He worked in international research centers, such as in Glasgow,GB,at BP Unit and Cleveland, US, at Cleveland Clinic. He is the author of about 700 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. He has received the P. Sleight Award of the ESH. He received the title of Commander by the Order of the Italian Republic for his scientific activity.He was President of the Italian (2005-2007) and European (2015-2017) Society of Hypertension, and was Chairman of the WG on Hypertension and the Heart of the ESC. He was member of the Task Force for writing the 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines on Hypertension