EACVI Premium Access

This session is supported by GE Healthcare in the form of an educational grant. The scientific programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor.

Topic: Intraoperative and Interventional Echocardiography

Congress Presentation

1 more presentation in this session

2D/3D TOE imaging protocols and 3D quantification for transcatheter valve interventions

Speaker: Professor E. Agricola (Milan, IT) Doctor K. Papadopoulos (Thessaloniki, GR) Doctor L. Sanchis Ruiz (Barcelona, ES)


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Case session for level 2/3 logbooks Session 5 - Echocardiography

Speakers: Professor E. Agricola, Doctor K. Papadopoulos, Doctor L. Sanchis Ruiz

About the event


EACVI 2023

10 May - 12 May 2023

Sessions Presentations