About the speaker

Professor Paul Leeson

University of Oxford, Oxford (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
13 presentations
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4 more presentations in this session

Surveys in preventive cardiology: what can we expect?

Speaker: Professor P. Jankowski (Warsaw, PL)


What have we learnt over the years with EUROASPIRE?

Speaker: Professor K. Kotseva (London, GB)


How should we plan our preventive strategies for now?

Speaker: Professor A. Abreu (Lisbon, PT)


Discussion - Reliable data on CV risk factors and risk management in Europe: where are we and where are we going?


Access the full session

Reliable data on CV risk factors and risk management in Europe: where are we and where are we going?

Speakers: Professor P. Leeson, Professor P. Jankowski, Professor K. Kotseva, Professor A. Abreu

About the event


ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

13 April - 15 April 2023

Sessions Presentations