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Is the 0/1 troponin protocol to rule in/out myocardial infarction ready for prime time? – the final word.

Topic: Diagnostic Methods

Congress Presentation

5 more presentations in this session

The 0/1 troponin protocol to rule in/out myocardial infarction is ready for prime time: pro.

Speaker: Professor C. Mueller (Basel, CH)


The 0/1 troponin protocol to rule in/out myocardial infarction is ready for prime time: con.

Speaker: Professor H. Katus (Heidelberg, DE)


Exercise-induced troponin elevation in athletes is benign: pro.

Speaker: Professor S. Sharma (London, GB)


Exercise-induced troponin elevation in athletes is benign: con.

Speaker: Associate Professor T. Eijsvogels (Nijmegen, NL)


Exercise-induced troponin elevation in athletes is benign – the final word.


Access the full session

Great Debates on troponins

Speakers: Professor C. Mueller, Professor H. Katus, Professor S. Sharma, Associate Professor T. Eijsvogels

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations