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Effectiveness of chest compressions skill training in the prone position: comparison of two methods

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Elaine Peixoto

Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo (Brazil)
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32 more presentations in this session

Massive open online learning in basic life support and automated external defibrillation: an efficient way to improve confidence and readiness of lay people to provide help

Speaker: Associate Professor A. Birkun (Simferopol, RU)


Barriers associated with emergency medical service activation in italian patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes

Speaker: Doctor E. Baldi (Pavia, IT)


Long-term prognostic factors of coronary artery disease patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Speaker: Doctor G. Nitta (Tokyo, JP)


Effects of covid_19 pandemic on cardiac surgery and practice. Did we hit the mark: strategy or casuality ?

Speaker: Doctor A. Minotti (Rapallo, IT)


Cardiac output monitoring using transthoracic echocardiography in children after cardiac surgery-an observational study of feasibility and concordance with transpulmonary thermodilution

Speaker: Doctor S. Guha Niyogi (Chandigarh, IN)


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Acute Cardiac Care ePosters

Speakers: Mrs E. Peixoto, Associate Professor A. Birkun, Doctor E. Baldi, Doctor G. Nitta, Doctor A. Minotti...

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ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

27 August - 30 August 2021

Sessions Presentations