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About the speaker

Mr Vladimir Koriagin

Perm (Russian Federation)
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178 more presentations in this session

The quest for GRACE 3.0: improving our beloved risk score with machine learning

Speaker: Doctor J. Sousa (Porto, PT)


Percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with left main coronary artery pseudobifurcation lesions: 5-years follow-up

Speaker: Associate Professor D. Maximkin (Moscow, RU)


Use of intima media thickness in the assessment of the development of preclinical atherosclerosis

Speaker: Associate Professor R. Najafov (Baku, AZ)


Long term outcomes of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases after percutaneous coronary intervention

Speaker: Doctor O. Kobo (Hadera, IL)


Feasibility, safety and long term outcomes of complex left main bifurcation treatment using the nano inverted t stenting: a multicentre registry

Speaker: Associate Professor G. Rigatelli (Rovigo, IT)


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Coronary Artery Disease (Chronic)/Chronic Coronary Syndromes ePosters

Speakers: Mr V. Koriagin, Doctor J. Sousa, Associate Professor D. Maximkin, Associate Professor R. Najafov, Doctor O. Kobo...

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ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

27 August - 30 August 2021

Sessions Presentations