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Simultaneous cardio-cerebral embolization. A prospective study

Topic: Cardiogenic Embolism

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Victor Mione

Mervans (France)
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24 more presentations in this session

Assessment of of twenty-five variants of polymorphic genes for lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, vascular inflammation and the neurotransmitter system in the first non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke

Speaker: Assistant Professor V. Shishkova (Moscow, RU)


Height and risk of ischaemic stroke subtypes: a Mendelian randomisation study

Speaker: Doctor A. Linden (Oxford, GB)


Are there mortality differences between men and women in all types of intracranial hemorrhages: subarachnoid, intraparenchymal and subdural? an analysis of the Spanish population

Speaker: Doctor J. Fernandez De Bobadilla Osorio (Madrid, ES)


Blood-based biomarkers for the long-term prognosis after acute ischemic stroke - results of the Linz Stroke Unit (LISU) study

Speaker: Doctor B. Dieplinger (Linz, AT)


Increasing time to thrombolysis is associated with worse long-term outcomes in patients with ischaemic stroke: a nationwide study

Speaker: Ms A. Yafasova (Copenhagen, DK)


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Stroke ePosters

Speakers: Mr V. Mione, Assistant Professor V. Shishkova, Doctor A. Linden, Doctor J. Fernandez De Bobadilla Osorio, Doctor B. Dieplinger...

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations