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Efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation with motion assistance from wearable cyborg hybrid assistive limb in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Hiroki Watanabe

University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba (Japan)
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2 more presentations in this session

Effectiveness of nurse-led hospital-based heart failure programmes in octagenarians and nonagenarians: is age important?

Speaker: Doctor C. Guerrero (Barcelona, ES)


Impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines upon in-hospital mortality in patients with heart failure: a retrospective cohort study in the United States

Speaker: Doctor K. Gonuguntla (Morgantown, US)


Access the full session

Non-pharmacological Interventions in Heart Failure: Can We Live without Them?

Speakers: Mr H. Watanabe, Doctor C. Guerrero, Doctor K. Gonuguntla

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations