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REDUCE-IT: total ischemic events reduced across the full range of baseline LDL cholesterol and other key subgroups

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Deepak Bhatt

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (United States of America)
44 presentations

7 more presentations in this session

Updated treatment thresholds in the 2019 ESC/EAS dyslipidaemia guidelines substantially expand indications for statin use for primary prevention at population level: results from the Rotterdam Study

Speaker: Ms J. Pavlovic (Rotterdam, NL)


Does Evolocumab use in Europe match 2019 ESC/EAS lipid guidelines? Results from the HEYMANS study

Speaker: Professor K. Ray (London, GB)


Non-statin lipid-lowering therapy in coronary atherosclerosis regression: A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

Speaker: Doctor L. Lobo (Buenos Aires, AR)


REDUCE-IT: accumulation of data across prespecified interim analyses to final results

Speaker: Professor B. Olshansky (Iowa City, US)


Are the results of clinical trials relevant in the real world? The applicability of REDUCE-IT to the FAST-MI Registry.

Speaker: Professor J. Ferrieres (Toulouse, FR)


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Non-statin Treatment of Dyslipidemia

Speakers: Professor D. Bhatt, Ms J. Pavlovic, Professor K. Ray, Doctor L. Lobo, Professor B. Olshansky...

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations