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Before and after: sinus venosus atrial septal defect.

Topic: Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Irene Marco Clement

San Carlos Clinical University Hospital, Madrid (Spain)
1 presentation
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26 more presentations in this session

Lunch time HIT Clinical Case Poster hosts - 12:45 - 13:45.


Peripartum cardiomyopathy with persistent ventricular dysfunction and intracavitary thrombosis despite treatment with dopamine receptors agonist. The role of the three-dimensional echocardiography.

Speaker: Doctor Z. Vasquez-Ortiz (Mexico City, MX)


Step by step valve destruction in infective endocarditis with no apparent vegetations

Speaker: Doctor M. Skafar (Ljubljana, SI)


A pulmonary stenosis and patent foramen ovale : a rare association with stroke in elderly


An uncommon cause for a frequent problem

Speaker: Doctor H. Miranda (Lisbon, PT)


Access the full session

HIT Clinical Case Poster session 2

Speakers: Doctor I. Marco Clement, Doctor Z. Vasquez-Ortiz, Doctor M. Skafar, Doctor H. Miranda

About the event


EuroEcho 2019

4 December - 7 December 2019

Sessions Presentations