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Larger vectorcardiographic QRS area is associated with increased risk of heart failure development among left bundle branch block patients: a register-based cohort study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Dennis Christian Andersen

Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg (Denmark)
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12 more presentations in this session

TXNDC5 is a novel therapeutic target of atrial fibrosis and fibrillation

Speaker: Miss P. Wu (Taipei, TW)


A novel tool for light sheet-guided analysis of myocardial injury in murine and human samples

Speaker: Mr S. Korste (Essen, DE)


PDE4 regulates cardiac pacemaker function

Speaker: Doctor D. Mika (Chatenay-Malabry, FR)


The mechanisms of spontaneous action potential generation in sinoauricular valve of the chick embryos.

Speaker: Professor V. Golovko (Syktyvkar, RU)


Metalloprotease nardilysin controls heart rate through the transcriptional regulation of ion channels critical for sinus automaticity.

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Ohno (Otsu, JP)


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Poster Session 3 - Electrophysiology and arrhythmias

Speakers: Mr D. Andersen, Miss P. Wu, Mr S. Korste, Doctor D. Mika, Professor V. Golovko...

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ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations