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Giant right atrium syndrome; presentation of an unusual disease

Topic: Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics, Other

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Alejandra de la Torre

Hospital San Javier Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Mexico)
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A ticking time bomb in the heart, discovered by cardiac magnetic resonance

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CMR provides the answer: an incidental finding of isolated left ventricular apical hypoplasia in a young adult.

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A rare congenital valve abnormality unexpectedly detected in a patient with aortic dissection

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Large left ventricular staphylococcal vegetation mimicking a myocardial mass

Speaker: Doctor C. Nikolaidou (Cheltenham, GB)


Myocardial carcinoid: the role of multimodality imaging

Speaker: Doctor C. Dugo (Verona, IT)


Access the full session

Clinical case session: solving challenges in daily practice

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About the event


EuroCMR 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations