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About the speaker

Associate Professor Katarzyna Czerwinska-Jelonkiewicz

Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
5 presentations
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5 more presentations in this session

Positioning of the topic: To cool or not to cool – that remains the question.

Speaker: Professor C. Hassager (Copenhagen, DK)


To cool or not to cool: that remains the question. PRO

Speaker: Doctor J. Kjaergaard (Copenhagen, DK)


To cool or not to cool: that remains the question. CON.

Speaker: Doctor N. Nikolaou (Athens, GR)


To cool or not to cool: that remains the question. Rebuttal

Speaker: Doctor J. Kjaergaard (Copenhagen, DK) Doctor N. Nikolaou (Athens, GR)


To cool or not to cool: that remains the question - Moderated discussion

Speaker: Professor C. Hassager (Copenhagen, DK)


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To cool or not to cool: that remains the question

Speakers: Associate Professor K. Czerwinska-Jelonkiewicz, Professor C. Hassager, Doctor J. Kjaergaard, Doctor N. Nikolaou, Doctor J. Kjaergaard...

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019

2 March - 4 March 2019

Sessions Presentations