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Aortic pseudoaneurysm with aorto-cavitary fistula, two similar cases, multimodality approach.

Topic: Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics, Other

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Estefania Iglesias Colino

University Hospital of Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain)
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15 more presentations in this session

Lunch time HIT Clinical Case Poster hosts - 12:45 - 13:45.


Assessment of left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking analysis in youth with masked hypertension

Speaker: Ms X. Luo (Shenzhen, CN)


Newly breathless patient with ongoing chest pain

Speaker: Doctor V. Le (Calgary, CA)


Flow reversal in pulmonary vein caused by anomalous pulmonary vein opening to both left atrium and superior vena cava

Speaker: Ms M. Toki (Okayama, JP)


A very rare case of endocarditis

Speaker: Doctor D. Neves Sebaiti (Almada, PT)


Access the full session

HIT Clinical Case Poster session 3

Speakers: Doctor E. Iglesias Colino, Ms X. Luo, Doctor V. Le, Ms M. Toki, Doctor D. Neves Sebaiti

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

5 December - 8 December 2018

Sessions Presentations