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Glenn bypass steal by the azygos vein treated by transcatheter occlusion: a case report

Topic: Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Marwa Abdallah

Hospital Simone Veil, Eaubonne (France)
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14 more presentations in this session

Lunch time HIT Clinical Case Poster hosts - 12:45 - 13:45.


Sliding hiatal hernia mimicking a left atrial mass

Speaker: Doctor U. Kocabas (Izmir, TR)


Case of mediastinal b-cell lymphoma with invasion in myocard

Speaker: Mrs T. Naiden (Saint Petersburg, RU)


A rare case of left ventricular non-compaction with posterior cleft mitral valve

Speaker: Associate Professor F. Turhan Caglar (Istanbul, TR)


Exercise induced diastolic dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension by stenosis of diagonal branch

Speaker: Ms M. Toki (Okayama, JP)


Access the full session

HIT Clinical Case Poster session 2

Speakers: Mrs M. Abdallah, Doctor U. Kocabas, Mrs T. Naiden, Associate Professor F. Turhan Caglar, Ms M. Toki

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

5 December - 8 December 2018

Sessions Presentations