Open Access

Hospital admission for heart failure: an opportunity to optimize heart failure therapy?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Rolf Wachter

University hospital Leipzig AoR, Leipzig (Germany)
8 presentations
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5 more presentations in this session

Introduction - Seize the moment to optimize treatment for each patient with heart failure: why, when, and how.

Speaker: Professor B. Pieske (Rostock, DE)


What action should we take when we see patients with perceived stable heart failure?

Speaker: Professor J. McMurray (Glasgow, GB)


Living with heart failure: What do patients care about?

Speaker: Professor S. Solomon (Boston, US)


Panel discussion and audience Q&A.

Speaker: Professor B. Pieske (Rostock, DE) Professor J. McMurray (Glasgow, GB) Associate Professor R. Wachter (Leipzig, DE) Professor S. Solomon (Boston, US)


Summary and close - Seize the moment to optimize treatment for each patient with heart failure: why, when, and how.

Speaker: Professor J. McMurray (Glasgow, GB)


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Seize the moment to optimize treatment for each patient with heart failure: why, when, and how

Speakers: Associate Professor R. Wachter, Professor B. Pieske, Professor J. McMurray, Professor S. Solomon, Professor B. Pieske...

About the event


ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations