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About the speaker

Doctor Christina Chrysohoou

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
17 presentations
1 follower

5 more presentations in this session

Top ten messages from the 2016 heart failure guidelines.

Speaker: Professor D. Tousoulis (Athens, GR)


A 65 years old female with ischemic heart failure (NYHA class II-III) despite the optimal medical treatment

Speaker: Doctor K. Dimitriadis (Athens, GR)


Guideline implementation: challenges and opportunities.

Speaker: Professor K. Naka (Ioannina, GR)


New evidence that has emerged since the guidelines were published.

Speaker: Doctor J. Parissis (Athens, GR)


Panel discussion: heart failure guidelines: management problems and opportunities.


Access the full session

Guidelines in Daily Practice - Heart failure

Speakers: Doctor C. Chrysohoou, Professor D. Tousoulis, Doctor K. Dimitriadis, Professor K. Naka, Doctor J. Parissis

About the event


ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations