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Simultaneous Multi Slice (SMS) SSFP first pass myocardial perfusion at 1.5 Tesla.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Muhummad Sohaib Nazir

Royal Brompton Hospital, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
3 presentations
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7 more presentations in this session

How perfusion is done currently and current technical problems? .

Speaker: Professor T. Leiner (Rochester, US)


Dark rim artifacts .

Speaker: Associate Professor B. Sharif (Indianapolis, US)


Acquisition strategies and k-space sampling .

Speaker: Doctor M. Salerno (Stanford, US)


Ungated perfusion acquisition .

Speaker: Doctor E. Di Bella (To Be Confirmed, US)


Steady-State Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Is Faster and Provides Lower Variability for Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion Reserve in Mice Compared to Flow Alternating Inversion Recovery Look-Locker ASL.

Speaker: Doctor S. Cui


Access the full session

ISMRM/SCMR Workshop: Perfusion Imaging

Speakers: Doctor M. Nazir, Professor T. Leiner, Associate Professor B. Sharif, Doctor M. Salerno, Doctor E. Di Bella...

About the event


CMR 2018 (the 5th joint EuroCMR/SCMR meeting)

31 January - 3 February 2018

Sessions Presentations