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Physical activity related risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among Slovenian elementary school students

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Miss Barbara Bobik

University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
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8 more presentations in this session

Risk Factors and Prevention – Epidemiology - Poster discussant:


Determinants of risk factor management for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease across three regions: an analysis from SURF data

Speaker: Ms M. Zhao (London, GB)


The risk of recurrent acute coronary event between three regions in France. Results from the French MONICA population-based registry: 9 years of follow-up of 18,000 patients

Speaker: Doctor M. Barthoulot (Lille, FR)


Association of lung function with body mass and physical fitness in primary school children

Speaker: Miss S. Koechli (Basel, CH)


The growing burden of cardiovascular disease in the United Arab Emirates and the impact of reducing modifiable risk factors

Speaker: Mr M. Habib (Thousand Oaks, US)


Access the full session

Poster Session 1 - Risk Factors and Prevention – Epidemiology

Speakers: Miss B. Bobik, Ms M. Zhao, Doctor M. Barthoulot, Miss S. Koechli, Mr M. Habib

About the event


EuroPrevent 2018

19 April - 21 April 2018

Sessions Presentations