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Prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction by using of physical and cardiorespiratory training

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Irina Leonova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)
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34 more presentations in this session

Exploring ECG patterns predictive of chest pain due to coronary microvascular dysfunction in emergency department (ED) patients

Speaker: Associate Professor B. Safdar (New Haven, US)


Demographics of acute myocardial infarction: experience at a non-PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) center in Middle East.

Speaker: Doctor K. Naeem (Dubai, AE)


Short and long-term mortality of patients presenting with major bleeding to the emergency department. the massa-carrara propensity matched community hospital cohort study.

Speaker: Doctor A. Conti (Massa, IT)


Is extrasystolic arrhythmia the risk factor of arterial thromboembolism?

Speaker: Assistant Professor O. Germanova (Bishkek, KG)


The initial level of platelet aggregation and some endothelium biomarkers at the patients with arterial hypertension complicated with non-ST-elevated myocardial infarction

Speaker: Associate Professor D. Shorikova (Chernivtsi, UA)


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Poster Session 4 - Acute Coronary Syndromes (Other) - General Acute Coronary Sydrome

Speakers: Associate Professor I. Leonova, Associate Professor B. Safdar, Doctor K. Naeem, Doctor A. Conti, Assistant Professor O. Germanova...

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Acute Cardiovascular Care 2018

3 March - 5 March 2018

Sessions Presentations