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Micro-RNA-21 (biomarker) and global longitudinal strain (functional marker) in detection of myocardial fibrotic burden in severe aortic valve stenosis: a pilot study.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Nicola Riccardo Pugliese

Pisa University Hospital, Pisa (Italy)
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24 more presentations in this session

Left atrial function beyond its size predicts atrial fibrillation recurrence after trans-catheter ablation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Speaker: Assistant Professor I. Bytyci (Pristina, XK)


3D printing facilitates left atrial appendage device closure

Speaker: Doctor G. Pressman (Philadelphia, US)


Volumetric and strain analysis of the right atrium in hypereosinophilic syndrome - a three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiographic study

Speaker: Professor A. Nemes (Szeged, HU)


LA strain does not predict atrial fibrillation recurrence after electrical cardioversion: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Speaker: Associate Professor P. Ibrahimi (Pristina, XK)


Automated 3D quantification of cardiac volumes and function with anatomical intelligence in adolescents


Access the full session

Poster session 4 - Assessment of morphology and function

Speakers: Doctor N. Pugliese, Assistant Professor I. Bytyci, Doctor G. Pressman, Professor A. Nemes, Associate Professor P. Ibrahimi

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2017

6 December - 9 December 2017

Sessions Presentations