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Clinical outcome in morbidity and mortality in patients with severe residual mitral regurgitation treated with MitraClip after non-response to cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Topic: Resynchronisation therapy

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Francois Diederik Regoli

Cardiocentro Ticino Foundation, Lugano (Switzerland)
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4 more presentations in this session

State of the Art: cardiac resynchronisation therapy

Speaker: Professor C. Leclercq (Rennes, FR)


Left ventricular mechanical dispersion after cardiac resynchronisation therapy: prognostic implications

Speaker: Doctor P. Van Der Bijl (Cape Town, ZA)


Scar characterization to predict life-threatening arrhythmic events and sudden cardiac death in cardiac resynchronization therapy patients.

Speaker: Doctor J. Acosta Martinez (Seville, ES)


The future in CRT, what improvements can be made?

Speaker: Professor H. Klein (Rochester, US)


Access the full session

Improving prognosis with CRT

Speakers: Doctor F. Regoli, Professor C. Leclercq, Doctor P. Van Der Bijl, Doctor J. Acosta Martinez, Professor H. Klein

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations