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Influence of optimized beta-blocker therapy on diastolic dysfunction determined echocardiographically in heart failure patients

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Svetlana Apostolovic

Clinical Center of Nis, Nis (Serbia)
1 presentation
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9 more presentations in this session

Left atrial mechanical function assessed by two-dimensional echocardiography in hypertensive patients

Speaker: Professor S. Benyoussef (La Marsa, TN)


Real live applications of three-dimensional echocardiographic quantification of the left ventricular volumes and function using an automated adaptive analytics algorithm

Speaker: Mrs R. Hinojar Baydes (Madrid, ES)


3D echocardiographic left ventricular dyssynchrony indices in end stage kidney disease: associations and outcomes

Speaker: Doctor J. Hughes (Manchester, GB)


Relative contribution of right ventricular longitudinal shortening and radial displacement to global pump function in healthy volunteers

Speaker: Associate Professor A. Kovacs (Budapest, HU)


ECHO-parameters, associated with short-term mortality and long-term complications in patients with pulmonary embolism of high and intermediate risk

Speaker: Doctor A. Volkova (Moscow, RU)


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Poster session 5 - Assessment of morphology and function

Speakers: Professor S. Apostolovic, Professor S. Benyoussef, Mrs R. Hinojar Baydes, Doctor J. Hughes, Associate Professor A. Kovacs...

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2016

7 December - 10 December 2016

Sessions Presentations