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Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction after previous revascularization; 28-year experience of the POP study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Predrag Mitrovic

School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Belgrade (Serbia)
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10 more presentations in this session

Predictive factors of poor early outcomes following ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm under the emergency aortic surgery

Speaker: Professor Y. Takahara (Funabashi, JP)


The survey of clinical use of nitrates in patients with acute coronary syndrome in China

Speaker: Doctor Y. Gong (Beijing, CN)


Effect of resistance exercise and different protein sources on the ascending aorta ovariectomzadas rats.

Speaker: Professor N. Edviges Alves de Lima (Sao Paulo, BR)


Is the prognostic impact of renal function the same for all age groups in patients with acute coronary syndromes?

Speaker: Professor A. Timoteo (Lisbon, PT)


Intramural hematoma and penetrating aortic ulcer: variations of acute aortic dissection.


Access the full session

Poster Session 3 - Acute aortic syndrome

Speakers: Professor P. Mitrovic, Professor Y. Takahara, Doctor Y. Gong, Professor N. Edviges Alves de Lima, Professor A. Timoteo

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2016

15 October - 17 October 2016

Sessions Presentations