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Safety of bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold in patients with acute myocardial infarction - results for medium term angiographic follow up

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Amr Abdin

University hospital of Saarland (UKS), Homburg (Germany)
6 presentations

8 more presentations in this session

Rule out myocardial infarction by admission limit of detection measurement using contemporary and high sensitivity troponin assays.

Speaker: Professor P. Collinson (London, GB)


Early rule-out of acute myocardial infarction by copeptin and troponin in low-risk patients with suspected ACS in the emergency department: first data from clinical routine

Speaker: Miss K. Kastner (Berlin, DE)


Improving the characterisation of patients with type 2 myocardial infarction and myocardial injury

Speaker: Doctor A. Chapman (Edinburgh, GB)


Autoimmune diseases in acute coronary syndrome: implications for management and prognosis.

Speaker: Miss M. Gomez Molina (Murcia, ES)


suPAR levels in cardiovascular patients are predictive of readmissions and mortality in the acute care setting

Speaker: Doctor J. Eugen-Olsen (Copenhagen, DK)


Access the full session

Moderated Posters Session 2: ACS and PCI

Speakers: Associate Professor A. Abdin, Professor P. Collinson, Miss K. Kastner, Doctor A. Chapman, Miss M. Gomez Molina...

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2016

15 October - 17 October 2016

Sessions Presentations