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Using ESC Guidelines in clinical practice to identify patients with Fabry disease.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Perry Mark Elliott

University College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
70 presentations

5 more presentations in this session

Welcome and introduction: identifying Fabry disease patients through cardiac manifestations. Guess who – Can you spot a rare disease patient?

Speaker: Professor A. Linhart (Prague, CZ) Professor P. Elliott (London, GB)


Guess Who – Can you spot the Fabry disease patient? Putting guidelines into practice through delegate interactivity.

Speaker: Professor A. Linhart (Prague, CZ)


Ten years of ERT: long-term treatment outcomes in Fabry disease.

Speaker: Professor A. Linhart (Prague, CZ)


What’s the value in screening programmes for rare diseases?

Speaker: Associate Professor J. Lubanda (Prague, CZ)


Q&A: identifying Fabry disease patients through cardiac manifestations. Guess who – Can you spot a rare disease patient?


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Identifying Fabry disease patients through cardiac manifestations. Guess who – Can you spot a rare disease patient?

Speakers: Professor P. Elliott, Professor A. Linhart, Professor P. Elliott, Professor A. Linhart, Professor A. Linhart...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations