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Hydrogen consumption is a newly oxidative stress marker predicting the severity in patients with chronic heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Atsushi SHIBATA

Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka (Japan)
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Heart-failure therapy after coronary artery bypass grafting in STICH eligible patients: survival benefit for mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists

Speaker: Doctor C. Adlbrecht (Vienna, AT)


Right ventricular performance and tricuspid geometry predict long-term outcomes in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation referred for surgery

Speaker: Doctor A. Iacovoni (Bergamo, IT)


Extension and regional distribution of scar tissue as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance predict ventricular response after surgical left ventricular reconstruction in ischemic heart failure

Speaker: Doctor G. Careri (Rome, IT)


Novel cardiac MR-derived sweep surface area velocity index reveals worsened diastolic but not systolic dyssynchrony in ischemic cardiomyopathy post-surgical ventricular restoration

Speaker: Professor L. Zhong (Singapore, SG)


Does the operative technique play a role on long-term myocardial function in valve-preserving aortic root surgery?

Speaker: Mrs P. Gehle (Berlin, DE)


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Poster session 4 - Heart failure/LV dysfunction

Speakers: Doctor A. SHIBATA, Doctor C. Adlbrecht, Doctor A. Iacovoni, Doctor G. Careri, Professor L. Zhong...

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ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations