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Improved outcomes after radial when compared to femoral approach for coronary invasive procedures in patients with congestive heart failure. Insights from the propensity score-matched registry.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Piotr P Buszman

American Heart of Poland, Katowice (Poland)
1 presentation
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18 more presentations in this session

Comparison of radial access versus femoral access with the use of vascular closure device for the prevention of vascular complications after percutaneous coronary intervention.

Speaker: Mr A. Teblick (Edegem, BE)


Stronger impact of transradial intervention on patients with st elevation myocardial infarction who receiving new P2Y12 receptor inhibitors than those clopiodogrel

Speaker: Doctor K. Park (Gwangju, KR)


A novel technique of transient compression of the ulnar artery facilitates radial artery patent hemostasis (ULTRA).

Speaker: Doctor M. Koutouzis (Gothenburg, SE)


AJULAST - AJmer ULnar AngioplaSTy Study- A Single Center Prospective Randomized Control Study.

Speaker: Doctor A. Avinash (Karmataka, IN)


Usefulness of Sheathless guide catheter for the percutaneous coronary intervention of left main disease by radial approach

Speaker: Doctor S. Garcia Blas (Valencia, ES)


Access the full session

Poster session 7 - Strategies to modify bleeding risk during percutaneous coronary intervention

Speakers: Professor P. Buszman, Mr A. Teblick, Doctor K. Park, Doctor M. Koutouzis, Doctor A. Avinash...

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ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations