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Usefulness of imaging device guided percutaneous coronary intervention with 2.25 mm second generation drug-eluting stents for very small vessels

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Shinsuke Mori

Saiseikai Yokohama City Eastern Hospital, Yokohama (Japan)
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22 more presentations in this session

Coronary tortuosity, is it congenital or acquired phenomenon? CT angiographic study

Speaker: Doctor M. El Tahlawi (Zagazig, EG)


St/hr hysteresis increases the accuracy of ECG stress test for predicting coronary artery disease in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy

Speaker: Doctor E. Montebello (Macerata, IT)


Efficacy of pressure parameters obtained during contrast medium-induced submaximal hyperemia in the functional assessment of coronary stenosis in comparison with instantaneous wave-free ratio

Speaker: Doctor Y. Kanaji (Tsuchiura, JP)


Impact of statin therapy on clinical outcomes for vasospastic angina without significant organic stenosis: a propensity-score matched analysis

Speaker: Doctor M. Oh (Seongnam, KR)


Prevalence of perfusion defects in patients with a chronic total coronary occlusion and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction

Speaker: Mr W. Stuijfzand (Amsterdam, NL)


Access the full session

Poster session 7 - Diagnostics in stable angina

Speakers: Doctor S. Mori, Doctor M. El Tahlawi, Doctor E. Montebello, Doctor Y. Kanaji, Doctor M. Oh...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations