About the speaker

Professor Mateusz Holda

Jagiellonian University Medical College, John Paul II Hospital, Krakow (Poland)
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14 more presentations in this session

Three-dimensional and real-time imaging of embryonic platelets originating from fetal liver megakaryocytes

Speaker: Mr M. Orban (Munich, DE)


Acrylamide: an underlying risk factor of congenital heart diseases

Speaker: Miss M. Huang (Hangzhou, CN)


Molecular mechanisms of aging of the autonomic nervous system: the role of telomeres and inflammation.

Speaker: Doctor L. Streltsova (Moscow, RU)


Morphological aspects of myocardial bridges

Speaker: Doctor M. Tasnic (Chisinau, MD)


Histone deacetylase inhibitor AN7 increases survival and may attenuate LV dilatation in mice with chronic volume overload

Speaker: Mrs L. Cohen (Tel Aviv, IL)


Access the full session

Poster session 6 - Integrative physiology and development

Speakers: Professor M. Holda, Mr M. Orban, Miss M. Huang, Doctor L. Streltsova, Doctor M. Tasnic...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations