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Home versus ambulatory blood pressure in prediction of the risk of hypertensive cardiovascular damage

Topic: Ambulatory pressure monitoring

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Ting Tse Lin

National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
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Low testosterone and high C-reactive protein are complementary determinants of global arterial function and early structural changes in men with arterial hypertension

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Longitudinal changes of the serum calcium levels and accelerated progression of arterial stiffness with age.

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Angiotensin receptor-1 antagonists improve endothelial glycocalyx and aortic stiffness after 2 years successful treatment in untreated patients with essential hypertension

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Evaluation of coronary flow velocity by Doppler echocardiography in the treatment of hypertension with the ACEi/ARB: correlation to the histological cardiac fibrosis

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Testosterone loss as essential parameter of silent target organ damage in primary hypertension

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Access the full session

Complications of hypertension

Speakers: Doctor T. Lin, Doctor N. Ioakeimidis, Doctor K. Kimura, Doctor H. Triantafyllidi, Doctor C. Wei-Ting...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations