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Combined use of transgenic LQT2, LQT5 and LQT2-5 rabbit models with decreased repolarization reserve as novel tool for pro-arrhythmia research

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Tibor Hornyik

Szeged (Hungary)
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6 more presentations in this session

SCN10A/Nav1.8 channels contribute to arrhythmogenesis in the human failing heart

Speaker: Doctor N. Dybkova (Gottingen, DE)


A novel alternative splicing isoform promotes proteasomal degradation of L-type CaV1.2 calcium channels in the hypertrophic heart

Speaker: Doctor J. Wang (Singapore, SG)


Terminating ventricular arrhythmia by optogenetic hyperpolarisation

Speaker: Doctor T. Bruegmann (Goettingen, DE)


Optogenetic modulation of fibroblasts membrane potential directly affects excitability and conduction in coupled cardiomyocytes in vitro

Speaker: Mr M. Funken (Bonn, DE)


Circadian rhythm in heart rate is due to an intrinsic circadian clock in the sinus node

Speaker: Doctor Y. Wang (Manchester, GB)


Access the full session

Ion channels: from the molecular level to integrative biology

Speakers: Doctor T. Hornyik, Doctor N. Dybkova, Doctor J. Wang, Doctor T. Bruegmann, Mr M. Funken...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations