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Newly emerging data from the TECOS (Trial Evaluating Cardiovascular Outcomes with Sitagliptin) cardiovascular safety trial: an investigator’s perspective.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Paul Wayne Armstrong

University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada)
9 presentations
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6 more presentations in this session

Welcome and introduction - Clinical considerations for cardiologists: exploring the evidence for primary and secondary prevention in type 2 diabetes.

Speaker: Professor G. De Ferrari (Turin, IT) Professor L. Leiter (Toronto, CA)


Coprevalence of comorbidities and their role in the choices of treatment for the diabetic patient with cardiovascular disease.

Speaker: Professor N. Marx (Aachen, DE)


Diabetes cardiovascular safety trials: an endocrinologist’s interpretation of emergent data.

Speaker: Professor L. Leiter (Toronto, CA)


Closing the gap: the EUROASPIRE study (European Action on Secondary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events) and what it can tell us for the treatment of diabetes patients.

Speaker: Professor L. Ryden (Stockholm, SE)


Q&A - Clinical considerations for cardiologists: exploring the evidence for primary and secondary prevention in type 2 diabetes.

Speaker: Professor N. Marx (Aachen, DE) Doctor P. Armstrong (Edmonton, CA) Professor L. Ryden (Stockholm, SE) Professor L. Leiter (Toronto, CA)


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Clinical considerations for cardiologists: exploring the evidence for primary and secondary prevention in type 2 diabetes

Speakers: Doctor P. Armstrong, Professor G. De Ferrari, Professor L. Leiter, Professor N. Marx, Professor L. Leiter...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations