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Correlation between lipoprotein profile parameters and coronary artery disease severity estimated by Gensini score in patients on lipid lowering therapy

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Natalia Gavrilova

National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Moscow (Russian Federation)
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12 more presentations in this session

Poster discussant Group 4:


Community based program for early detection and management of cardiovascular risk factors in resource poor setting

Speaker: Doctor S. Sharma (Dharan, NP)


Predictors of in-hospital mortality of acute myocardial infarction

Speaker: Doctor E. Zera (Durres, AL)


Prevalence of non-compaction cardiomyopathy of the LV, based on screening cardiac magnetic resonance Imaging, in a general population of schoolchildren

Speaker: Doctor A. Yildiz (Houston, US)


Results of a new model of integration between primary health care and the hospital-dependent centre for specialized attention cardiology section

Speaker: Mrs M. Facenda Lorenzo (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES)


Access the full session

Poster session 2 - Posters Group 4

Speakers: Mrs N. Gavrilova, Doctor S. Sharma, Doctor E. Zera, Doctor A. Yildiz, Mrs M. Facenda Lorenzo

About the event


EuroPRevent Meeting 2016

14 June - 15 June 2016

Sessions Presentations