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Therapeutic adherence verification by bioimpedenziometric test in a sample of cardiac patient

Topic: Cardiac rehabilitation, models and methods

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Gerardo Riccio

Martiri di Villa Malta Sarno Hospital, Sarno (Italy)
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10 more presentations in this session

Poster discussant Group 2:


Better glycaemic control in patients enrolled into cardiac rehabilitation

Speaker: Miss S. Lim (Singapore, SG)


Cardiac rehabilitation and cardiovascular health program in Slovenia: the Istria and Karst model

Speaker: Doctor T. Ravnikar (Izola, SI)


Treatment cessation of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention and clinical events during follow-up

Speaker: Doctor M. Marina Breysse (Madrid, ES)


Functional capacity and comorbidities relationship with quality of life in stage II- III chronic heart failure patients

Speaker: Miss S. Ozberk (Izmir, TR)


Access the full session

Poster session 2 - Posters Group 2

Speakers: Doctor G. Riccio, Miss S. Lim, Doctor T. Ravnikar, Doctor M. Marina Breysse, Miss S. Ozberk

About the event


EuroPRevent Meeting 2016

14 June - 15 June 2016

Sessions Presentations