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Cardiac rehabilitation improves subclinical left ventricular dysfunction after acute coronary syndrome

Topic: Cardiac rehabilitation, models and methods

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Osman Yesildag

Marmara University, Istanbul (Türkiye)
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11 more presentations in this session

Poster discussant Group 2:


Can electrically assisted cycling be recommended in cardiac rehabilitation programs for coronary artery disease patients?

Speaker: Professor D. Hansen (Hasselt, BE)


Determination of ideal aerobic exercise target heart rate for patients with cardiac diseases

Speaker: Miss S. Tan (Singapore, SG)


Reduced kidney function in rehabilitation patients after heart surgery

Speaker: Doctor W. Mayer-Berger (Leichlingen, DE)


Equally compromised cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in patients early after endoscopic atraumatic CABG (endo-ACAB) surgery vs. CABG surgery: implications for rehabilitation

Speaker: Professor D. Hansen (Hasselt, BE)


Access the full session

Poster session 1 - Posters Group 2

Speakers: Professor O. Yesildag, Professor D. Hansen, Miss S. Tan, Doctor W. Mayer-Berger, Professor D. Hansen

About the event


EuroPRevent Meeting 2016

14 June - 15 June 2016

Sessions Presentations