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Association of thyroid-stimulating hormone with lipid concentrations: an 11-year longitudinal study

Topic: Risk factors and risk prediction

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Ville Lauri Johannes Langen

Turku University Hospital, Turku (Finland)
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10 more presentations in this session

Poster discussant Group 7:


Factors related to the effectiveness of hypercholesterolemia treatment following hospitalization due to CAD.

Speaker: Professor P. Jankowski (Warsaw, PL)


Use of herbal remedies by patients with heart failure: the ethical dilemma (A report from TREAT-HF trial)

Speaker: Professor O. Beton (Istanbul, TR)


Traditional risk factors and serum biomarkers in post-myocardial infarction women

Speaker: Doctor V. Cherepanova (Saint-Petersburg, RU)


Risk factors for renal function decline in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure

Speaker: Professor D. Lashkul (Zaporizhzhya, UA)


Access the full session

Poster session 2 - Posters Group 7

Speakers: Doctor V. Langen, Professor P. Jankowski, Professor O. Beton, Doctor V. Cherepanova, Professor D. Lashkul

About the event


EuroPRevent Meeting 2016

14 June - 15 June 2016

Sessions Presentations