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Continuity of care after percutaneous coronary interventions: the patient perspective across primary and secondary care settings.

Topic: Prevention and rehabilitation from knowledge to practice

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Irene Valaker

Sogn og Fjordane University College, Førde (Norway)
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The effect of educational intervention on adherence of patients with hypertension to antihypertensive therapy

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Management of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in advanced heart failure: An exploratory study of patients', carers' and healthcare professionals' perspectives.

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Primary percutaneous coronary intervention patient experiences of cardiac rehabilitation

Speaker: Doctor H. Iles-Smith (Manchester, GB)


Fluid restriction predicts thirst distress in patients with heart failure

Speaker: Miss N. Waldreus (Huddinge, SE)


Can delirium predict patients' physical function 1 and 6 months after aortic valve treatment

Speaker: Associate Professor T. Norekval (Bergen, NO)


Access the full session

Oral abstract session - Doctoral Students

Speakers: Assistant Professor I. Valaker, Doctor A. Chatziefstratiou, Ms L. Hill, Doctor H. Iles-Smith, Miss N. Waldreus...

About the event


EuroHeartCare 2016

15 April - 16 April 2016

Sessions Presentations