ESC Premium Access

Welcome and introduction - The clinical journey after an acute coronary syndrome: strategies for optimising antiplatelet therapy.


Topic: Thrombosis and platelets
Organised by University Hospital, Umeå / Course Director: Prof Ulf Näslund / Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Stefan James

Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden)
48 presentations

3 more presentations in this session

A clinical case study - Continuing the patient journey back to primary care.

Speaker: Doctor M. Bonaca (Aurora, US)


Open questions - The clinical journey after an acute coronary syndrome: strategies for optimising antiplatelet therapy.

Speaker: Professor S. James (Uppsala, SE) Doctor M. Bonaca (Aurora, US) Professor P. Steg (Paris, FR)


Session close - The clinical journey after an acute coronary syndrome: strategies for optimising antiplatelet therapy.

Speaker: Professor P. Steg (Paris, FR)


Access the full session

The clinical journey after an acute coronary syndrome: strategies for optimising antiplatelet therapy

Speakers: Professor S. James, Doctor M. Bonaca, Professor S. James, Doctor M. Bonaca, Professor P. Steg...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations