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In-service trainning in CPR: how often should be performed?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Panoraia Rammou

Agency for Quality Assurance in Health S.A., Athens (Greece)
4 presentations
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11 more presentations in this session

Education and behavioural aspects - Discussant.


Competence development in patient education. The perspective of health professionals and patients with experience in patient education in cardiac care

Speaker: Doctor M. Svavarsdottir (Akureyri, IS)


Psychometric evaluation of the polish adaptation of the hill-bone compliance to high blood pressure therapy scale

Speaker: Professor I. Uchmanowicz (Wroclaw, PL)


Developing critical thinking skills in continuing nursing education through visual simulation scenarios

Speaker: Miss O. Andguladze (Kemerovo, RU)


Basic life support: retention of nursing personnel's theoretical knowledge after initial training

Speaker: Mrs M. Fantaki (Athens, GR)


Access the full session

Poster session 2 - Education and behavioural aspects

Speakers: Mrs P. Rammou, Doctor M. Svavarsdottir, Professor I. Uchmanowicz, Miss O. Andguladze, Mrs M. Fantaki

About the event


EuroHeartCare 2016

15 April - 16 April 2016

Sessions Presentations